Friday, December 16, 2005

Song in my head...

I've had this song stuck in my head today. It's a song from when I was a kid, growing up in a bilingual household. Here are the lyrics, sung to the tune of Au Clair de la Lune:

Au clair de la lune
Je pettais dans l'eau
Ca faisait des bulles
C'était rigolo

Ma grand-mère arrive
Avec des ciseaux
Elle me coupe les fesses
En dix mille morceaux.

Which, translated, comes out to something like this:

By the light of the moon
I was farting in the water
It made bubbles
It was funny

My grandmother arrived
With a pair of scissors
She cut up my bum
Into ten thousand pieces.


No wonder I'm a little messed up.

And I never turn my back on my grandmother.

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